Filippo Boeri
Fellow in Geography and Economics
London School of Economics
I am a Fellow in Geography and Economics at the London School of Economics.
My main research interests lie at the intersection of urban economics, economic geography and international trade, with a particular focus on the role of technological shocks in the rise of inequalities across regions and different socio-economic groups.
I am also interested in the analysis of place-based policies and in the study of the drivers of spatial inequality in 19th century England.
I am currently on the 2024-2025 Job Market.
Job Market Paper: Natural Disasters, Reshoring Dynamics and Automation
October 2024:
I presented the paper "The New Geography of Remote Workers and Firm Productivity: Evidence from Matched Employer-employee Data" at the Stanford Remote Work Conference.September 2024:
A new draft of the paper "Capital-Skill Complementarity in Firms and in the Aggregate Economy" is now available
(NBER Working Paper No. 33000).January 2024:
Our paper "Localised Effects of Re-allocated Real Estate Mafia Assets" was published in the Journal of Economic Geography.